Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vacation's all I ever wanted

I think I've seen enough of America. Time for me to get out and see the world!

Places to visit (in no particular order):

Ireland (I will also live here someday)
Vietnam (just for the phó)
Japan (need to see a kabuki performance)
Greece (Retirement home)
Africa (anywhere)

It's is just a preliminary list. I will be adding more and *fingers crossed* hopefully be checking some off soon!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Here we go

Just as the title suggests, I plan on using this to gush the overload of the thoughts that seems to cloud my brain on occasion.  
I have been alone since Wednesday night, which is saying something for me.  Not that I'm completely dependent on human interaction (though it is nice), I have found this time useful in some self reflection.  I have come to the conclusion that something is missing.  Upon reflecting on my life and where I am at right now, there is an obvious hole that threatens to pull my chest inward until my ribs crack.  
Let me state now that I am not here for followers.  I don't consider myself special in any sense of the word and I'm sure plenty of people have the same strange feelings and thoughts.  This is for my own personal benefit so I can get things out before I wind up in a corner, never having been able to voice my thoughts.
Hang on...I have to put the dogs away...ok back.
I'm aware I didn't need to put that but hey, I have a sense of humor and why not add some to an otherwise dull or off putting post?
Back to my feels.  There just seems to be something in the air trying to push me in a direction I have been blind to for awhile.  My entire life I have been...."sensitive" to my surroundings.  I am an extremely observant person, and after a short conversation with you I am able to remember things that other people may have completely ignored.  So it doesn't surprise me when I notice a stillness that otherwise would not have been apparent in my life.  
So what's wrong?  Where am I suppose to go?  What am I suppose to be doing?  What will I eat for dinner?  
Maybe the real problem is that I can't stand not knowing something.  My biggest weakness is admitting that I can not do something, so it almost kills me not understanding what is going on.  
I know at this age it is common to question your decisions in life and whether or not you are going in the right direction, but this is something different.  I will graduating in December with my degree in Technical Theatre where I then hope to go on to be a lighting designer.  Designing is what I love, so there is no confusion in if I am heading in the right direction.  Maybe I have missed a step somewhere...
Enough with the grim talk.  I will end this post here.  I hope my future posts will consist of my life doings and humorous occurrences that happens quite often.  
ta ta for now,