Thursday, March 14, 2013



This is my best friend Jesse.  She is amazing.  She has been my only true constant in my life.  We were forced to sit together on the bus in second grade, and that's how it all started.  We know absolutely everything about each other and have been there for each other since the beginning.  I don't know what I would do without her.  I am just SO PUMPED to see her and spend the weekend together!!  We will be doing St. Patty's day right!

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Reichenbach Fall Truth

Since Moffat thinks us Sherlockians can hang around and wait another year for the 3rd season I  decided to watch the series so far again.  Today I reached the ending, the infamous Reichenbach fall.  This time however, some things stuck out and smacked me in the face.  

Now I don't think I have it ENTIRELY figured out, but here's what I've got so far:

 First:  The two buildings.  When John first arrives, he starts to head for the building that Sherlock is standing on top of.  Sherlock tells him to stop and go back to where he got out of the cab.  This way there is this nice building in between them so John never actually sees Sherlock land after he jumps.  This also buys Sherlock some time since John has to run all the way around the building.

 Second: The truck.  Just as John is rounding the corner of the building we see this truck full of garbage bags.  SOFT. SQUISHY. Garbage bags.  Sherlock actually jumped INTO this truck and while John was running around the building he used the time to get out and onto the sidewalk.

Problem:  This is the one thing I can't figure out.  We see this nice aerial view of the scene and there is blood pooling from Sherlock's head.  He may of had a blood pack on him and broke it when John was running, but I tend to think he would not of had that much time.

Third: This jerk.  This guy on a bike runs into John just as he is about to go to Sherlock, knocking him out.  Again, giving the people time to make it look like Sherlock is dead.  This also leaves John very disorientated, making him not comprehended everything.

Fourth: Guy with blood pack.  Now I can't take all of the credit for this one.  I found a post on pinterest that pointed out this guy grabbing a blood pack while John is knocked out on the road.    He could have used to get the nice streak marks we see on Sherlock's face.

Fifth:  Witnesses.  Now you may be asking: "But what about all of the people?  Wouldn't they be  witnesses to Sherlock's death?"  Yes they would.  They would be great witnesses to Sherlock's death.  Especially if they are homeless.  Throughout the show, Sherlock talks about his connection with the homeless network.  So it would not be hard for him to hire them out to be pretend witnesses and doctors.

How would they have gotten the uniforms?  Molly works at the hospital and earlier in the episode Sherlock says he needs her.  He is getting her help to set his death up.  
Once John finally gets to Sherlock, the people stop him from getting too close.  Yes he does grab Sherlock's wrist to take a pulse, but I feel he would have been too disorientated to get one.


Friday, March 1, 2013


Something I believe is the most important manner.

It's not only polite, but it is the most professional impression someone can make. Everyone is appreciative of someone who shows up on time and is ready to do.
I have imbedded in my being now to be punctual. I was taught at a young age that: "Ten minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable." If you are asking someone to give you their time, the least you can do is be on time for your appointment.
As a theatre major, you have to realize that sometimes you only get one shot. And if you are even a minute late, you won't even be considered for whatever you are applying/auditioning for.
Time is money.
So here I sit for the last 15 minutes waiting for someone that I offered to tutor in a subject they are having difficulty with. Any word? No.
At least I have my frozen yogurt.